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About Us


The Utah Theatre Association creates an annual conference where secondary education students and teachers have the opportunity to expand their knowledge of theatre, connect with theatre peers and professionals, and celebrate in the creation of educational theatre.


The Utah Theatre Association aims to create an effective and efficient conference, and other career opportunities, that provide any regional secondary education student the opportunity to have a positive and enlightening theatrical learning experience.


The Utah Theatre Association values:
Student and Educator Empowerment
Continual Learning and Growth
Creative Expression

Our Story

Each year around 2,000 students and educators from across the state participate in our conference, and we thank the schools that have been in attendance and the educators that have supported the conference through its history. However, many educators are unaware of the Utah Theatre Association and what we have to offer you, your students, and your program.


The Utah Theatre Association was formed in 1977 by a group of theatre educators that wanted to create a forum where high school theatre students could meet each other in a friendly, non-competitive way and celebrate their skills and talents while learning more about theatre together.  High school seniors also wanted to meet with college and university representatives to learn about their programs and audition for acceptance to programs and scholarships.


Early theatre festivals were held in conference rooms of Salt Lake City hotels. The UTA conference expanded, and the Board of Directors started to bring in theatre professionals to teach specialized workshops to conference attendees. As they’ve grown, the conferences have been hosted by colleges and universities throughout the state.  The annual conference includes workshops covering all aspects of theatre from design to playwriting, acting to directing, stage combat to stage management.


The Utah Theatre Association produces the annual theatre conference and is committed to introducing high school students to representatives from college and university theatre programs. The Utah Theatre Association, along with other conference sponsors, gives out an average of $5,000 in cash awards each year to promising actors, technicians, designers, and playwrights.


In recent years, the Utah Theatre Association has expanded its scope to become a resource for theatre educators and pre-service teachers. The Utah Theatre Association Board of Directors is comprised of educators from public and private schools in Utah with representatives from middle schools and high schools. Every college and university in Utah is invited to name a representative to the board.


Over the last several years, the Utah Theatre Association has built ties to the Utah State Office of Education. We are committed to offering workshops geared towards current and prospective theatre educators at our conferences. The USOE has approved the Utah Theatre Association to offer re-licensure credits to educators that participate in the UTA conferences.


Please let us know how UTA can better serve your needs as a theatre educator. Introduce yourself to board members at the conference or email us. We look forward to serving you and we hope to see you at the conference!

Meet The Team

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