Playwriting Festival
Any Utah junior high or high school student who is registered for the UTA Conference is eligible to submit a script to the Playwriting Festival. Students must be registered for the UTA conference by December 1. If students do not register for the conference, their plays will not be read or adjudicated.
Properly submitted scripts are read and adjudicated, and student playwrights are given written feedback from the judges. The top playwrights are presented with cash awards, and some plays will be performed at the conference during Saturday's Stage Readings.
All scripts must be submitted electronically (through the following form) by December 15. Questions about the Utah Young Playwright’s Festival can be directed to Glen Carpenter (
Playwriting Festival FAQ
How long should the plays be?
Approximately ten pages (ten minutes when read aloud).
If a play is longer, submit a selection or condense it.
What should be on the cover page?
Title, author, school, teacher, and teacher email.
See Formatting Example below.
What else should be included?
On the second page, a character breakdown and a scene list.
See Formatting Example below.
What should the format be?
Character name bolded on left, tab, then dialogue.
Stage directions should be italicized and in parenthesis.
Single spacing within a character’s text, double spacing between characters.
See Formatting Example below.
Can the student include questionable language?
Yes. Plays may be submitted as written, but teachers will need to let the author know that if their piece is selected to be read, anything offensive will be adjusted appropriately for the audience. For the play readings, we would need to remove or adjust any language that causes people to be offended – typically that means any use of deity in a harsh light, the four-letter words, and any slang referring to body parts.
When and how will the winners and selected plays be announced?
In December through email notification.
How many plays are selected for the play readings?
One play will be chosen to be performed at the Conference Event. The top three will receive awards.